Past Communication

Dear Parents/Guardians:
It’s hard to believe that we are nearing the end of this school year. Thank you for sharing your children with us. It has been a year of great memories and we are better teachers because of your children. We wanted to make you aware of upcoming events next week as we end the year.
MONDAY, 5/22/23:
Your child will spend the morning with the 8th grade team. Teachers will introduce expectations for 8th grade and field any questions your child may have.
The afternoon will be spent in rotations and will include BINGO, Fun in the Sun games, chess/board games, and Bunco.
TUESDAY, 5/23/23:
Tuesday will be a “C” Day. Your child will see every teacher.
Students will be CLEANING OUT LOCKERS and TURNING IN CHROMEBOOKS AND CHARGERS. Please be aware that a lost charger will require a $45 payment for replacement. We appreciate your assistance in reminding your child to bring his/her Chromebook and charger to school.
Students will take everything home Tuesday and will NOT need any supplies for Wednesday.
WEDNESDAY, 5/24/23:
8:20 Awards Assembly for 7th grade. Parents/guardians are welcome to attend.
The remainder of the day will be spent in rotations with teacher-directed activities.
12:45 Students load buses/town dismissal.
Thank you for your support. We are proud of our students and the gains made throughout this school year. Have a great summer.
Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Wishart, Mr. Duncan, Ms. Raple, Ms. Coble, Mr. Stauffer, Mrs. McNeely, Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Harris, and Mrs. Leis