THRIVE Winners

Taylor Krueger, Kindergarten at Circle Oil Hill Elementary

Taylor Krieger, THRIVE WinnerWe’re excited to celebrate Taylor Krueger with a Thrive Award for her outstanding dedication to Oil Hill Elementary!

Mrs. Krueger has taken the lead in designing targeted interventions and organizing intervention groups, making a big impact in this area. Her commitment to student success shines through her work with the MTSS team, where she has seamlessly applied new learning to support our students.

Beyond the classroom, Mrs. Krueger is a driving force in our Girls on the Run program, encouraging and inspiring young girls with her enthusiasm and support. She’s always willing to jump in wherever needed, embodying teamwork and a heart for service.

Mrs. Krueger, we see and appreciate your dedication, hard work, and willingness to go the extra mile. Thank you for all you do to help our students and school thrive! Congratulations! 🎉

Mindy Akery, Secretary at Oil Hill Elementary

Mindy Akery, thRIVE WinnerMindy is the glue that keeps COE school running smoothly, handling everything that comes through the front office with a smile, grace, and top-notch customer service. She makes a tough job look effortless, balancing countless tasks while always being ready to help.

Her knowledge is unmatched, and she’s never afraid to ask questions or learn something new to keep our school at its best. Whether she’s solving problems, supporting staff and students, answering questions, or offering a warm welcome to everyone who walks through the doors, she does it all with excellence and professionalism.

Mindy, we are so grateful for your dedication, hard work, and positive attitude. You are the backbone of Oil Hill Elementary, and your contributions make a difference for our students, staff, and families every single day. Thank you for all you do! 💙👏