Students and Parents,
I want to thank you for your patience, your feedback, and your support of our school district as we navigate this process. I know there are many questions that everyone has about enrollment, school start date, and many other aspects of our returning back to school. We will do our very best to communicate with you as soon as answers become available. There are many pressures facing our staff and our families today, and it is important that you know we stand with you – to support teaching and learning, as well as the social-emotional and physical health of our employees and families. USD 375 Learning and Operations Guide(DRAFT 3) will provide you with many details about the plan to reopen schools. Many people, including staff, parents, health officials, admin, etc. have worked very hard to ensure a safe environment with several opportunities for a great education. I am very proud of the effort and dedication that went into the plan. Another example of why we THRIVE. If you have feedback or questions for the specific committees regarding the plan, click here to provide your response. Below are a few items of communication that will help you begin to plan for the reopening of school.
- Delayed Start of School: The Board of Education has approved to delay the beginning of the school year to September 8th . A calendar will be presented to the Board of Education on July 30th for discussion and official approval. The calendar will be designed to meet the Kansas State Statute obligation of 1,116 instructional hours.
- Online enrollment: An email communication will be sent to all parents July 29th to begin the online enrollment process.
- New Student enrollment: August 3 rd -10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
- Kindergarten Orientation: August 4 th or 5 th (Check with building)
- Athletics/Activities: We will follow the guidance of KSHSAA. There are many questions still unanswered on this topic.
- College Classes: Students can begin those courses before the beginning of our start date. However, no classes will be held in any of our buildings prior to the official start date of school on September 8th .
- Student Survey: A survey will be sent to all parents and students on July 28 th asking the mode of instruction preferred to assist us in planning. Click here to view the modes of instruction.
- The learning options graphic is included in the plan and attached to this email. Please watch your email tomorrow for the survey and further details.
- Masks Required: For the foreseeable future, all staff, students and building visitors will be required to wear a face mask when they are in any district facility. Students will supply their own mask/face covering. For guests/vendors, each facility will have disposable masks available should someone forget to bring one. Masks are required for all!
We will continue to update you as information is known. I’m confident regardless of our situation we will THRIVE in 375!
Thank you,
Don Potter USD #375 Superintendent