Parade Date & Start Time
- Friday, September 30th, 2:00 PM
Early Release
We will have an early dismissal on Friday, September 30th prior to the Homecoming Parade.
Dismiss at 1:00pm CHS, CMS & Elementary Schools
Parade Route Information
Turn left out of Circle HS parking lot. Go all the way down Main Street. Turn left on 3rd Street, and go 1 block down. Turn left on Mechanic St, go down 3 blocks. Turn left on 6th street, go 1 block. Turn Right on Main street and return to the parking lot.

All Floats and Parade Entries will line up in the front High School parking lot between 1:00-1:50 PM. All other cars should be in the back parking lot.
Are you passing out candy?
Candy will be thrown out by participants in the parade.
Please advise children to not run in the street.
Remind kids to throw to little ones' feet- and not at face.
Lining Up Floats
The Floats will line up in the front parking lot with the band leading us off and the homecoming candidates after. The sports and activity floats can fall in as you arrive, just line up behind the float that arrives before you. Towards the rear of the parade we will have our Fire/Police and then our horses.
*You will be directed as you enter the parking lot and if you have kids arriving to get on your float. We will not allow cars to enter into the parking lot, just through the entrance, drop off, then exit to the east out by Dustrol.
It's very important you communicate with your float participants- especially if there are little ones or parents are dropping off. We will have Stuco there to direct and deliver kids, but you might have a better system or someone to gather, collect, and deliver kids to float and back to parents.
Your float is encouraged to have a theme and decorate however you want. The overall Homecoming theme is “Together We Rise!”, but anything close will be fine. Voting and awarding the best float.
After the Parade
- 3:00-6:00 we will have bouncy houses, face and hair painting, and food trucks.
- Coronation will be pre-game at 6:30 and the game is at 7:00 pm vs. Augusta!