CBE Trash Bag Sale
When: 9-17 to 10-1
HOW: Sell as many rolls of trash bags as you can!
Turn in form and money by October 1st
Product Pick up is Tuesday October 12
What: $13.00/roll
White – 15 gallon (tall kitchen) 65 bags per roll
Yellow - 39 gallon 25 bags per roll
Blue – 55 gallon (super size) 16 bags per roll
Pumpkin **55 gallon 1 bag @ $2.00 per bag
5+ Rolls = Pop It or Fidget
15+ Rolls = Ice Cream Party
40+ Rolls = $25 Amazon Gift Card
Top Seller K-2,3-4, 5-6 = Lunch at Stearman with Mr. Leis Buyout = Receive Top 2 Prizes for $50 Donation