May 26, 2023
Please join us in wishing our retiring employees a happy retirement!!
Misty Gawith, Circle Oil Hill Elementary Teresa Lee, Circle Benton Elementary Curt Liby, Circle Greenwich ...

May 25, 2023
Congratulations to Lynsi Martinez and Jean Gibbs--our Primary and Secondary TEACHERS OF THE YEAR!
Lynsi teaches First Grade at Circle Greenwich Elementary, and Jean teache...

May 24, 2023
We would like to say "Congratulations" to our Velocity Powered by BEC Students of the Month for May! CHS, Alison Unruh
CMS, Cosette Ellis
COE, Gary Elliott
CGE, Zeke Ed...

May 22, 2023
This summer FREE breakfast and lunch are available for anyone ages 1 to 18 from June 5th to June 29th!
Summer Meals are offered Monday-Thursday from June 5 - June 29 at the fol...

May 16, 2023
CGE Field Day Volunteers Needed!!! CGE Field Day is this week, Friday, May 19th! K-2nd grade will have field day from 12pm-1:15pm, and 3rd-6th grade will have field day from 1:45...

May 16, 2023
Kids Corner Crew...
Lets see what students have to say about Field Day at CGE!!!

May 15, 2023
On April 26th, schools around the district hosted a Kansas Teacher of the Year (KTOY) Nominee group led by Circle Greenwich Elementary teacher, Allison Norris. The visit showcase...

May 8, 2023
To our Circle Public Schools staff, we appreciate everything you do to support our students, whether it's teaching in the classroom, organizing extracurricular activities, or ...

April 27, 2023
Please join us in congratulating Kelsey Jarvis, from Circle Greenwich Elementary, on being named April's White Eagle Credit Union Employee of the Month.
Thank you to White Eagl...

April 26, 2023
The 4th-6th Grade vocal and instrumental program is this week! Here are just a few reminders prior to Thursday -
Please have your child to the basketball court 5-10 minutes be...

April 13, 2023
Tomorrow, (Friday, April 14) is a TAG day! Please remind your kiddo to wear his/her TAG shirt!

April 10, 2023
Message from Ms. Black with Spring Music Program Information.
Dear Parents,
Our spring programs are quickly approaching, so here are the details.
We are going to hold t...

April 10, 2023
Littles Early Learning flyer was sent home with students on Thursday of last week. Please contact maria@littlesks.com if you have any questions.

April 10, 2023
Tuesday, April 11th is CGE Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A (either east Wichita location) - 5:30-7:30–Mention CGE to have 20% of all sales to be given back to our school https://5il....

April 5, 2023
Kids Corner Crew...
Let’s hear what students had to say about book fair & lunch with a loved one @ CGE.

April 3, 2023
Please join us for our April PTO meeting today at 6:30 in the library. We will be discussing officer elections for the 2023-2024 school year. If you are interested in running for...

March 27, 2023
Hello Football Families, I hope you all have had a good winter. It is already that time of year for football and cheer registrations. Please see the link below. Registration...

March 24, 2023
CGE Reminder: Tomorrow is School Spirit Day! Be sure to wear your CGE gear!

March 22, 2023
There is still time to collect donations for our school fundraiser! Thank you to those that have already turned in your money. Online donations can be made via PayPal at paypal.me...

March 21, 2023
CGE is having a TAG T-Shirt Design Contest for students. The students are bringing home a copy of the rules. All entries are due on Friday, Ma...