Circle High School Student Council

Circle High School Student Council wants to thank you for your support and participation in a
very successful food drive! The food collected was donated to our local “Mom’s Pantry”, the
food pantry that is run by our “Moms in Prayer” group.

Each class was required to meet the minimum of 500 points to participate in the class
competition. The date for the “out-of-school” time has been set for Tuesday,
November 26, 2019 (B-day). This year’s results are:

1st Place—Seniors– Dismissed at the end of Block 5 (9:27 a.m.)
2nd Place—Freshman – Dismissed at the end of Block 6 (10:52 a.m.)
3rd Place—Sophomores – Dismissed at the end of Block 7 (12:45 p.m.)
4th Place - Juniors - Dismissed at the end of Seminar (1:40 p.m.)

Students enrolled in afternoon college classes are expected to attend those college classes. If necessary, please make arrangements for your student’s transportation. Buses will run at the regular dismissal time of 3:05 p.m. on November 26th.

Winter Sport pictures will be at 1:45 this day in the main gym
Once again, thank you for your generous support. Happy Holidays!