CHS-What Remains by Max Bush is the heartwarming story of a senior citizen and a senior in high school connecting through art and realizing their lives are almost parallel. Maggie, the high school student, is trying to decide between her boyfriend or her art, and Cliona, the elderly person moving out of her house with Maggie's help, once faced a similar decision herself. The play, which spans around two months in Maggie and Cliona's lives, chronicles the drama and realism of trying to balance passion, life, relationships, and expectations.
Running two nights only, Thursday, January 30th and Saturday, February 1st in the CHS Auditorium you won't want to miss this play about what it means to face a big decision, to potentially move on from a chapter in your life, and when you do... What Remains?
The play is rated PG. The show will run around 90 minutes with a 10 minute intermission.