I wanted to write you a letter and update you on a few important topics. As you are certainly aware the last four months have been quite interesting and full of challenges. I want you to know we are working behind the scenes on numerous plans for the upcoming school year. I’m sure you are like me and would love to have school return to “normal” in the Fall. At this time, I don’t know what the final plan for August looks like. The Governor will release some guidelines for schools to follow on July 10th and our District has a team of people ready to meet shortly after that to begin implementing these guidelines in the best manner to suite the Circle community. I want to insure you that whatever form the upcoming school year takes our staff is committed to providing a quality education to your child. Here are a few updates on a few various topics:

Graduation- At this time, we are moving forward with an in-person graduation ceremony on July 26 at 1:30 pm. in the Circle High Main Gym. As we have stated previously the in-person ceremony is contingent on the most recent health guidelines from the State and the Butler County Health Department. If we are directed to make changes to the in-person ceremony, we do have a backup graduation plan to fall back on that will have a virtual component. If a student does not have a graduation gown and hat they may contact Jostens and order one. The number for Jostens is 620-232-7464. A gown and hat are required to participate in graduation.

 In an effort to respect the health and well-being of our community we have determined that there will be a total of 6 guests per graduate. We will have instructions on how the tickets can be acquired within the next week.

Graduation practice- We will hold a graduation practice for all those students participating on July 24 at 9 AM. in the Circle High Gym. This is only for students and staff.

Enrollment- Online enrollment for students returning to Circle High begins on July 27. Enrollment for new students attending Circle High for the first time begins on August 3 in the Main Office of the high school. Once again if the current Covid infection rates do not improve there could be some adjustments to the in person enrollment plan.

I hope this provided a little clarity on a few important subjects. At any time you have a question don’t hesitate to contact me at mcarroll@usd375.org.