Dear Circle Parents and Students,
I am writing today to provide you a brief update on the progress towards beginning the new
school year. As you know the Governor of Kansas has issued an executive order that will ask
that schools not officially reopen until after Labor Day. We will of course follow all the state and
local government guidelines as we move towards the start of the school year. In the meantime,
we are working feverishly behind the scenes to develop contingency plans that will address
student learning, health/safety of our students/staff, what the learning will look like and a myriad of other scenarios as well.
We currently have a District Task Force working on these plans that is made up of parents,
administrators, teachers and support staff to develop a broad plan. I have been pleased with the diligence and commitment of these people as they try to make a plan in the midst of this ever changing situation. Once the school district’s plan is developed each one of the buildings in our school community will drill down on what that looks like for our different environments.
I want to assure you that once we are allowed to return to school we will have a plan in placethat will address the need for student learning and safety. As we get closer to the start of the school year we will communicate these plans to our high school parents/students. I believe it is very
important to get the students back in school. The process and manner in which that is
accomplished will be a challenge for us. We are working towards the goal of having our
students back in our school buildings that are in compliance with local and state guidance as it
pertains to the safety of all our school patrons.
Finally, please be patient with us moving forward. I know if you are like me you like to plan
ahead and know what is coming down the road. Unfortunately, if I have learned anything from
this COVID experience is that “certains” are few and far between. Have faith that we are
working hard to secure a plan and when we have one in place you will be communicated with
Matthew J. Carroll