Graduation 2020

Hello 2020 graduates,


I wanted to communicate with you about a few details as it pertains to graduation.  I am looking forward to seeing all of you.

  • There will be two separate groups and times for the graduates to receive their diploma. Last name A-K will be from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm and last name L-Z will be from 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm.  Please do not arrive prior to your scheduled time to avoid violating appropriate health protocols. 

  • Each graduate will be allowed two cars.  One car will be for the graduate and immediate family.  The additional car can be for extended family and friends.  Please feel free to decorate your cars if you desire. 

  • Arrive with both cars together and enter the parking lot by the Dustrol Entrance on the far East side of the campus.  There will be our SRO officers there to direct you. 

  • It is crucial that everyone remain in their cars to insure no violations of social distancing practices and for safety. 

  • Once the line begins our SRO officer will direct the line to the graduation stage.  Once the two cars for each graduate arrive at the stage the graduate and immediate family may exit the vehicle.  The graduate will proceed across the stage and then to the photo area. The extended family in the other vehicle will remain in the car with the windows down supporting their graduate. 

  • Once the photos are complete the graduate and their families will exit the property. 

  • It is recommended that all graduates wear their gown.

  • Any diplomas that are not picked up during graduation will be available for pick up on Monday July 27th from 9am. - 3pm.  Please come to the main office entrance and you will be able to retrieve your diploma. If this does not work for you please contact me at


Matthew J. Carroll