On Tuesday January 25th, we are hosting a Butler Enrollment Information Session in the auditorium at 6:00pm about enrollment for the 2022-2023 school year. Students can start taking college courses the summer after their freshmen year. Juniors and seniors can join the Thrive program. Circle High School offers general education courses taught by Butler faculty at Circle High School that can fit into a student’s high school schedule.
ALL freshmen who will be sophomores during the 2022-2023 school year and their parents MUST attend this meeting if they would like to enroll in a college course next school year. All current sophomores and juniors who have not taken college courses who are interested and their parents MUST also attend.
Dual credit allows current high school students to take college-level classes. If the student passes the class, it will count for both high school and college credit. The Thrive program is when a student chooses an academic program at Butler and their goal is to receive their associates degree at the same time they graduate from high school or for students to take as many college courses they can before they graduate. They will have an advisor at Butler that will help with enrollment in their career choice.
Attending this session will give you the information you need to help your student be successful in their college courses and will help you both understand what it means to take a college course as a high school student. We look forward to hosting this event and have Butler Community College representatives there to answer any questions.