March 4, 2021
The Wind Surge will be hosting a job fair at the Wind Surge Stadium on Wednesday, 3/10/21, from 3 pm – 7 pm.
The Wichita Wind Surge baseball organization is looking to f...
March 3, 2021
Over $200,000 of scholarships will be awarded during 2021 National Career Technical Education (CTE) Signing Day events to students interested in pursuing a career and technical ed...
March 3, 2021
Senior Students and Parents: Contact Mrs. Crawford for a helpful video made by Butler Community College Financial Aid Department of how to complete the FAFSA! It's not too late! ...
March 2, 2021
PARENTS/GUARDIANS OF 8TH GRADE STUDENTS: Due to COVID this year, our original plans for the 8th grade orientation day and parent orientation night have changed. A video highligh...
February 26, 2021
HYBRID/REMOTE STUDENTS AND PARENTS/GUARDIANS: A survey was sent to all hybrid/remote students' emails on what mode of learning you would like to have for the 4th nine weeks. The 4...
February 18, 2021
Textron Aviation is now accepting applications for summer internships! High school internships are available to 16-19 year old students. Click on the link below to apply. After...
February 18, 2021
Wind Surge is looking to fill 300 positions for the upcoming season! Anyone interested in applying for a seasonal job should visit to fill out an online app...
February 11, 2021
Enrollment is now open on PowerSchool for current students through February 26th to prepare 2021-2022 student schedules!
Email Mrs. Marshall (9th/10th Counselor), Ms. Fleeker ...
February 10, 2021
On February 15 from 9:00 AM -7:30 PM and February 17, 5:00 PM -7:30 PM Circle High School will hold parent-teacher conferences virtually . Parents/Guardians will need to schedul...
December 8, 2020
***EXPIRED*** HYBRID/REMOTE STUDENTS AND PARENTS/GUARDIANS: A survey was sent to all hybrid/remote students' emails on what mode of learning you would like to have for the 3rd nin...
November 20, 2020
Thank you for hosting the blood drive on November 13. The blood drive had a goal of 50 pints of whole blood and your drive collected a total of 47 pints. You had 55 donors come ...
November 5, 2020
FRESHMEN Students/Parents: All freshmen students will be taking the PreACT during regular school hours at CHS on Tuesday, November 10th. Hybrid and Remote students have the opport...
November 3, 2020
Reminder: 2nd Nine Week Learning modes at CHS change on Monday, November 9th, A Day.
October 29, 2020
NACAC Virtual College Fair is happening on Sunday, November 8 from 2 - 10 p.m. ET. Sign-ups are happening now at . Students can choose from thousands o...
October 29, 2020
On Wednesday October 28th, Circle High School seniors participated in the Apply Kansas Event! Jessica Provorse - Applied to Newman University Kenzi Gillispie - Applied to K...
October 26, 2020
HYBRID/REMOTE STUDENTS AND PARENTS/GUARDIANS: A survey was sent to all hybrid/remote students' emails on what mode of learning you would like to have for the 2nd nine weeks. The s...
October 22, 2020
Wichita State University Scholarship Competitions Application
Submit your application by Nov. 1.
Apply to participate in a WSU scholarship competition
Are you in the Cl...
October 22, 2020
Kansas Masonic Essay Contest ***DEADLINE NOV 1, 2020***
The Kansas Masonic Essay Contest has been in existence for 60 years and has awarded more than $300,000 statewide to dese...
October 12, 2020
CHS Fall Concert in Amphitheatre Information Here