CMS: Boys basketball games against El Dorado are tentatively rescheduled for Wednesday, February 19th at El Dorado. Full confirmation depends on El Dorado getting workers and officials secured. #thrivein375
CMS: Boys basketball games at El Dorado are postponed due to Circle District being closed today. As of now there is not a future date. Both districts are working on rescheduling. #thrivein375
Due to the high probability of treacherous icy conditions in the morning due to quick dropping temperatures there will be no school tomorrow Thursday, February 13th. Be safe.
CMS after school activities have been cancelled for today Feb 12th. Sports pictures will be rescheduled for a later date.
STUCO Candy-grams
Send a Valentine Candy-gram to your friends! For sale in the office, $1 each.
Circle Middle School: Soups On! February 20th during the basketball game. 4:30 - 6:30 pm. Proceeds benefit the outdoor learning area fund. Come and bring your appetite. Watch for a signup genius to help.
Circle Middle School- Weekly update posted to Facebook and News. Have a great week! #thrivein375
Circle Middle School Boys Basketball scores from Monday February 3rd vs Ark City.
7A 46 - 13 Circle
7B 42 - 13 Circle
8A 56 - 37 Circle
8B 45 - 20 Circle
Congratulations CMS! #thrivein375
Circle Middle School Boys Basketball Scores for Thursday January 30th against Winfield.
7A 58-33
7B 42-21
8A 50-22
8B 50-16
Congratulations Circle! #thrivein375
Circle Middle School- Scholars Bowl has been cancelled for today, Tuesday January 28th and has been moved to Thursday, January 30th at the same time. All other practices will occur as normally scheduled.
Weekly update posted on Facebook and News.
CMS: Good luck boys basketball. First game tonight at Circle Middle School starting at 5:00 against Clearwater. #thrivein375
Circle Middle School: Weekly update has been posted . Academic Awards assembly tomorrow at 8:20. Check with your student if they will be recognized.
CMS: Due to the potential ice storm we are cancelling all after school practices or activities today. Be safe, stay warm, enjoy the snow day tomorrow! #thrivein375
Circle Middle School Practice has been cancelled today for all sports. This includes Cheer, Boys Basketball and Scholars Bowl.
CMS: Practices are on as scheduled for today. #thrivein375
CMS: Boys basketball starts Monday! Also, cheerleading will begin on Wednesday.
All participants must have a KSHSAA physical and concussion form on file in the office. Both documents can be found on our district website. #thrivein375
Christmas Break is December 20th-January 3rd.
Have a wonderful break! We will see you in 2020.
Circle Middle School: Reminder tomorrow is our sports awards for girls basketball, wrestling, and cheer at CMS starting at 4:00. #thrivein375
Tough night for the 7th grade girls basketball team. Lost to Ark City in the finals. Girls played tough. What a great season! #thriven375