May 25, 2023
Congratulations to Lynsi Martinez and Jean Gibbs--our Primary and Secondary TEACHERS OF THE YEAR!
Lynsi teaches First Grade at Circle Greenwich Elementary, and Jean teache...

May 24, 2023
We would like to say "Congratulations" to our Velocity Powered by BEC Students of the Month for May! CHS, Alison Unruh
CMS, Cosette Ellis
COE, Gary Elliott
CGE, Zeke Ed...

May 22, 2023
This summer FREE breakfast and lunch are available for anyone ages 1 to 18 from June 5th to June 29th!
Summer Meals are offered Monday-Thursday from June 5 - June 29 at the fol...

May 8, 2023
To our Circle Public Schools staff, we appreciate everything you do to support our students, whether it's teaching in the classroom, organizing extracurricular activities, or ...

May 4, 2023
KSHSAA has updated their physical and concussion forms for the 23-24 school year. Physicals may be completed for next fall any time after May 1st, 2023. Download the forms below...

April 5, 2023
Last week CMS Choirs went to Music Festival at Newman University. Here are the results from contest. Way to go TBirds! 8th grade choir: 1 1 2 = 1 7th grade choir: 1 2 2 = 2 Olive...

March 7, 2023
Here is all the need to know information about 2023 Track. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.

March 2, 2023
Library News: The 7th graders have been working on a creative writing project based on the children's book Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner. To celebrate the completion of thei...

February 22, 2023
CMS Spring Individuals and Class photos are next Wednesday March 1st. Picture packets will be sent home on Thursday or you can order online. http://bit.ly/3Kvobo6

February 7, 2023
Now is the time to order your 22-23 school year CMS Yearbook! If you have any questions please call the office! https://www.shop.memorybook.co...

December 8, 2022
CMS Band and Vocal Music Families, We are excited to share a concert of music with you in just a few short days! It has been a great semester and the students have made a lot...

November 28, 2022
Parents, the date for the Band and Vocal Music concert has been moved to December 13th. If you have any questions please give us a call.

November 21, 2022
Circle Parent / Guardian,
Our Student Council is hosting our winter social on Friday, December 2nd from 3:30pm-5:15pm. The theme this year is Winter Wonderland/Ugly S...

October 24, 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Students at Circle Middle School are permitted to dress for Halloween. The dress-up day will be Monday, October 31st Please understand students do not h...

October 13, 2022
Dear Circle Middle School Parents/Guardians, We are excited for the upcoming Parent/Teacher Conferences Wednesday, October 19th, 4:30 - 8:00 PM, and Thursday, October 20, 8 AM -2:...
October 11, 2022
Ms. Oswald's 8th Grade Pre-Algebra class completed pizza projects demonstrating their knowledge of fractions! Students were asked to create a pizza with topping to represent diff...