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Marissa Black
Circle Greenwich Elementary

Alli Unruh
Director of ESOL
Circle Public Schools USD #375

Chelsea Patton
School Psychologist

Ashley Strawder
Special Education
Circle Oil Hill Elementary

Erin Chance
Speech Language Pathologist
Circle High School

Patrick McCormick
Circle High School

Heather Redondo
Circle High School

Austin Todd
Special Education Teacher
Circle Towanda Elementary

Jessie Mosier
1st Grade Teacher
Circle Oil Hill Elementary

Lora Meirowsky
Circle Oil Hill Elementary

Colleen Floyd
6th Grade Teacher
Circle Oil Hill Elementary

Gracie Meese
4th Grade Teacher
Circle Benton Elementary

Hannah Whiteside
Circle Benton Elementary

Jami Rivera
Speech Language Pathologist
Circle Oil Hill Elementary

Robin Allison
Title I
Circle Oil Hill Elementary

Kacee Alonso
2nd Grade
Circle Oil Hill Elementary

Kelly Ankrom
A-K Counselor
Circle High School

Stacy Anthony
Special Education
Circle Greenwich Elementary

Mica Bair
2nd Grade
Circle Benton Elementary

Stefanie Beckman
Circle Greenwich Elementary