Weekly update for December 3rd through 9th. WHAT??? December? All the Elf's on the Shelf need to make their appearances.... 😉 (If you are like me... the elf forgot to move)
We are back and ready for the next couple weeks. As the semester comes to an end it is a great time to ask about school supplies- Pencils, pens, paper, folders, and all of these items tend to need attention this time of year. Our community supplies tend to become tapped out as second semester rolls by. Also as the semester comes to a close, several teachers will be giving a "final" in their class. This is type of assessment can be given in different ways- from a project to a formal test. Finals cover the majority of information taught during 1st semester. . Please encourage your student to begin studying or doing their best work on these finals as they will be the final grade for the class.
We are currently participating in our Food Drive this week. As posted- it is a friendly competition between our league schools, but as you all know... we do like to win. If you can send in donations of food items or monetary, anything would be appreciated. Two items = $1.00. If the final count is 1200 items, students will earn a movie for the afternoon of December 13th. All resources collected are returned to our Circle Families that need support at this time of year. Thanks ahead of time to those that can assist.
Prior to leaving for our quick Thanksgiving break, we had all students participate in picking a service project to participate in. It was a fantastic way to send the students off to break with doing something to benefit others. Pictures will be shared in a separate post. Thank you to those that helped out with supplies and donated your time. In December we will have time for "Real World" learning stations- This will include lessons on tying a necktie, to ironing, to self-defense, and a plethora of other options. Look for a separate post that includes more specifics and how you can be involved.
Our Chili Dinner was a success!!!! $360.00 was raised to go toward our goal of someday building an outdoor facility. Thank you to everyone that pitched in with providing the chili and all the fixings! HUGE Thank you to these ladies Nicole Rogers, Nancy Bolz and Ali Hill for coordinating the event.
Activities for this week are: * Tuesday, December 3rd- Hat Day (bring two items and wear a hat), Wrestling at Circle 4:30- gold gym. Practices as scheduled. *Wednesday, December 4th- Tbird Tickets for food drive items. Practices as scheduled. *Thursday, December 5th- Electronic Seminar day for food drive items. Girls Basketball @ Winfield. 7A/8B 5:00, 7B/8A 6:15. Wrestling @ Mulvane 4:30. Practices as scheduled. *Friday, December 6th- Extra Credit for food drive items. Practices as scheduled. * Saturday- No CMS activities *Monday, December 9th- Girls BBall at Circle vs. Ark City. 7A/8B 5:00, 7B/8A 6:15.
Have a magnificent week!!! #thrivein375