Weekly Update for December 9th - 13th.
They did it!!! YESSS the students reached their goal of helping our community with our food drive!!! To overall goal was 1200 items. The students alone brought in 1,700 items (or money towards items) and when coupled with the staff donations we more than doubled that amount. The students earned a movie afternoon this Friday!!! So extremely proud of our CMS students!
These next few weeks will fly by (as if this year hasn't already) so be aware that several classes will be giving finals as the semester draws to a close. Studying for finals is not something that can be done in one night- please encourage your student to begin now with reviewing notes, worksheets, tests or quizzes. Some finals might be performance based, meaning the student has to produce work that relates to something learned. We encourage you to start having a conversation with your student regarding what classes they will have a final in.
When we return from our winter break we are excited to welcome Office Christopher Williams to CMS to speak with our students on diversity and acceptance of other cultures. He is with Wichita PD and has an extensive background in teaching others when it comes to looking at and accepting differences. This presentation ties in directly with the latest set of Rachel;s Challenge lessons covered in advisory focused on Compassion and Cooperation. Lets all keep in mind that diversity makes us stronger and richer.
Here are the activities for this week: *Tuesday, December 10th- Wrestling at Clearwater 4:30. All practices as scheduled. *Wednesday, December 11th- All practices as scheduled *Thursday, December 12th- Our annual "Pass the Plate" Lunch. Spelling Bee 1:00 Girls basketball at home vs. Haysville. 7A/ 8B 5:00, 7B/ 8A 6:15. *Friday, December 13th: Reward Movie, All practices as scheduled. *Saturday, December 14th: Girls Basketball semi finals- Augusta TBD. Wrestling League Haysville 9:00 AM. *Monday, December 16th: Girls Basketball Finals TBD
Have a great week!!