CMS Weekly update.

Weekly Update for March 30th - April 3rd.

Welcome to a NEW school term of 33 days!!! Perspective at this point is so extremely important. We can do this and we are. 8th grade- you have 30 days. Glass is Half FULL!!!

IF you as parents would like to do something fun- take a picture of your students "first day" and send it in to Their first day pics might just show up on the website. 😊👍

As shared last week, the next three days are going to be lessons delivered through the students advisement classes. These lessons are to teach the expectations moving forward in this learning platform. Following these three days, teachers will roll out their curriculum lessons. I am sure some of our students are looking ahead and working ahead. That is ok as long as it is not more than 3 hours a day, and they are understanding the assignments.

Not going to lie... the roll out of the website today was not a seamless as we would have liked for it to be, BUT we were able to work through the issues pretty quickly. PLEASE know that the CMS CLP site is the weekly agendas and helpful hints. All online work is scheduled through the students google classrooms. There is now a link on the CMS CLP site for accessing the classrooms easily. Thank you for your patience as we maneuver through all of this. Remember that the teachers are still very much the teachers. They are accessible and ready to help.

Encourage your student to participate in the spirit week activities. There will be a CMS spirit page found on the CMS CLP site. Pictures sent in and all the fun will be seen on that page.

Technology- Our District Tech Team is working overtime to supply supports for our students and families. They have started with making sure the devices issued to students are working. With this in mind- if your students device starts to experience issues- there will be a form sent out from the team for you to complete. Until then, please call or email and we will forward your message.

If you were not able to make it to pick up your students items- we are available for pick up between 11:00 - 1:00 each day.  Our office will be calling those who have not made it by.  

Dont Forget!  Lunch/breakfast items are served Monday - Friday at CMS, Towanda, Oil Hill and Greenwich.  11:00 - 1:00 each day.  These are free to all students and adult meals are $6.00.  

I have a huge favor to ask of you as Parents, and the Students and the Teachers. Please be cognizant of these facts: 

*What we have been asked to do is unprecedented- for all of us. In one week we were able to change our entire learning platform from in-person to online. You have been asked to supervise and check in more that you were before. Students have been asked to become more focused during their learning times. We have taught those teachers that are not "technology" oriented how to be in a very short period of time. We made this happen- all of us together. 

*Please refrain from passing judgment on anyone at this time and taking frustrations to any social media platform or any group chat. Instead I would encourage you to use the #thrivein375 and spread positive messages. Share the good. We all need more of that. 

*Lessons are going to be different, time is going to be different, learning is going to look different. This is where Grace and patience come in. 

*With NEW can come frustration. Instead- look at it as an opportunity to learn. Learn about how to face adversity and come through with a new outlook. 

*We didn't ask for this time to happen, but it is what we have and we will make the best. Lemons are tart- but lemonade is sweet.

As always- Please reach out to us, your students teachers, our office or me. We are here to help.

Have an amazing week!! Find JOY each and every week. #thrivein375