Updated information. I did not update on Monday of this week as I know lots of information is coming at you from all sides. I wanted this week to take place with your students working and asking any questions as needed..
With this in mind- a survey has been sent out that will help us know what is taking shape in your world with school and with supporting your student(s). We want to keep this educational setting as simple as possible yet keeping the learning going. Please fill out the survey! Thank you ahead of time. Here are the links for the survey:
Parents: https://forms.gle/xgWnWRa7Zygd...
Students: https://forms.gle/ZGPHexKgpUS9...
Here is an opportunity for your students to stretch their brains. A Google classroom has been created called: Bonus Brain Boosting Boredom Busters. A variety of activities are uploaded and ready for students to participate. Here is the code- tokzhtr
Please remember that meals are being served at CMS, Greenwich, Towanda Primary and Oil Hill. There is no cost for students. 11:00 - 1:00 at any of these locations. There will not be food served this Friday or on Monday due to no school on these days.
Enrollment for 2020/2020: Mrs. Cross is working with our tech support on creating a form that will be sent out to all 7th grade students to pick their elective's for next year. Look for this to come out in the following weeks. Instructions will be provided regarding picking classes and what the already required classes will be. 8th grade to CHS- Your enrollment should be complete- If not, please reach out to Molly Marshall at mmarshall@usd375.org.
Tech support: Should your student experience any issues with their chromebooks please know we have support ready for them. First try to shut it down and reboot. If the issue continues (or it's not a reboot challenge) please use this link for communication (link found on Circle website): https://docs.google.com/forms/...
We want to continue to encourage our CMS T-Bird families that together we are facing our challenges. Please reach out to us if you see your student struggling, or the opposite. We would love to see pictures of our kids while learning in their unique setting. Send to cmsspirit@usd375.org. Thank you for your continued support! We have an amazing community!
I also wanted to send a huge shout out to these people in our community:
First Responders: Nurses, doctors, and anyone involved in the medial field. Thank you for what you are doing to keep us safe.
Truck Drivers that are still hauling supplies and making sure the communities are taken care of. We know you are being kept busy and are an absolute necessity. We appreciate it!
Essential Workers- That are keeping the shelves stocked, stores cleaned and ready for us when we need items. We appreciate you!
Teachers (that are now also parents)- We know you have double duty- so thank you for continuing educating our kids and taking care of your own. You are a must!
Keep on washing your hands, wearing a mask as needed, staying away from large crowds.
Blessings for all of our CMS T-Birds!!! Be Resilient this week!