Final update for 2019-2020 school year.
Before I dive into specifics for closing out the year I just want to share how much we appreciate the efforts you have made during the final quarter of school. We asked you to help keep your students focused and you did. We asked you to reach out to us as needed, and you did. We realize that all of us were asked to step outside of our comfort and keep learning going, and you did. Thank you!
Here is the information needed to close out this year
Steps for Dropping off Chromebooks, and other items.
Drop off: These are the items that we are needing returned to CMS. Chrome books, chargers, any textbook(s) or library book(s), and any school athletic uniform that is still in your possession. Students will need to take stickers off of their chromebooks prior to returning.
Pick up: Both grade levels will pick up an end of the year packet with end of the year recognition's, class pictures (for those that purchased) and art work as applicable. 8th grade students will also receive their class shirts. Physical/concussion forms will also be available in preparation for the 20/21 school year.
Dates for Drop off/pick up are as follows: 8th grade will be May 21st, 12:00 - 6:00, and May 26th, 9:00 - 6:00. 7th grade will be May 27th 9:00 - 6:00, and May 28th 9:00 - 6:00. The following week- June 1st - 4th will be 9:00 - 1:00. If you have a student in both grade levels, we will be able to accommodate one time for you to come.
Process: Come to the front of the school and we will come out to you. We ask that you remain in your car and we will come get the returned items. We will then bring you the pick up packets. We will not require a signature and will be accommodating with putting items into your trunk if you prefer.
Last day of school for each respective grade. Tomorrow, May 15th will be the last day for 8th grade. May 20th for 7th grade (1:00 to be exact).
End of year 8th grade information: The 8th grade team is working on creating a promotion video that will be shared with our 8th grade families. We ask for your patience with putting the project together as we want it to be well thought out and meaningful. We will be following a promotion like program that will have clips of videos put together. Look for this to be published during the first part of June. Hand prints on the wall will happen this fall. Students that earned a 4.0 will have two hand prints. Students that earned a 3.125-3.99 will have one hand print. We will set a date after school starts for 20/21 and communicate with you about coming back to celebrate your students' success.
Yearbooks: If you purchased a yearbook please know that they have been delayed with printing due to the company operating on a skeleton crew. When they arrive we will contact you regarding picking them up. If you choose to wait until school begins in the fall we will hold onto the yearbook for you.
One final piece of information that may help many of our families that are experiencing financial hardships due to loss of wages, or major cutbacks. We encourage you to fill out the application for free or reduced status. In no way does applying for or qualifying for have a long term effect. It is only to assist as needed when needed. Here is the link for completing the application. or online through powerschool. We hope this will help alleviate some financial stress.
Thank you all for probably one of the most interesting years in all of my years of education. We wish you all the best for summer. Stay safe, keep washing your hands and remember you can never go wrong with being kind.