GOOD DAY to ALL of our fantastic CMS Families. This communication is filled with items that will guide us into setting your student up for success. Please take time to read through all of the information. Should you have questions please send an e-mail or call the office. or 316-778-1470.
Modes of Learning: A survey was sent out regarding your choice as a family for what Modes of Learning you would like to select. Mrs. Cross will be contacting the families that choose Hybrid, Remote or did not respond. This link will take you to the descriptions of these options for CMS. Link for CMS Modes of Learning (In person not included).
First Day of School: 7th grade will attend by themselves on September 8th. Then on September 9th, 8th grade students will join. As this day draws closer we will send out specific instructions of where each grade will enter the building.
Parent Orientation: We will have a parent orientation but not in person. Each grade level team will be working on sending out specific information about the team, the year and what you need to know as a 7th/8th grade parent.
Lockers: We will NOT be using lockers this year so add to the items for school supplies a shoulder bag, backpack or other suitable carrying case for school items. MOST textbooks are online, therefore the weight of these carrying cases will depend on how much the student keeps in them. Instead of locker clean out, we will employ bag clean out. Chromebooks will need to be carried in these bags.
Water Bottles: Each student is highly encouraged to bring a water bottle We are in the process of replacing our drinking fountains to water bottle fill stations. Please consider purchasing a clear water bottle. Water fountains will not be in use this year. Should a student forget their water bottle, please have them come to the office.
Facial Coverings- AKA Masks: We are requiring all persons in the building to wear a facial covering. Please work with your student on what is comfortable with them and make sure the design or logo on the facial covering meets dress code expectations. If you want your student to wear a facial shield in addition to the facial cover, we will allow that to happen. A facial shield by itself is not allowed.
School Supplies: We will only be collecting these items from students: Tissues and sanitizer wipes. IF you have not found sanitizing wipes- DO NOT go searching! If you can find mechanical pencils- that would be great. If you have already purchased standard pencils- these will work as well. An individual pencil sharpener will be given to each student. All other asterisk items on the list will be kept at home until a student needs to replace for school. Please click on this link for what to send on the first day of school: What to bring on the first day of school
Chromebooks: Each CMS student will be issued a chromebook for the school year. This device will travel with them to and from school. We are not going to store the devices here at CMS. Please work with your student to find a place for charging each evening so it will be ready for the next day. A chromebook use agreement will be sent out to all parents to sign indicating you agree with the expectations of use and cost replacement.
Athletic Information: An email letter was shared with all CMS families explaining the athletic information at this time. Here is a link to the letter: Fall Athletic Letter
We are diligently working on assembling information regarding the daily operations of CMS for the safety of our students, staff and families. Here is just a glimpse of what we have discussed:
Classroom: each room will have the following take place on an hourly basis:
Mask breaks- all teachers have been encouraged to take students outside for a period of time. While outside students will have the opportunity to fill their lungs with fresh air remaining a safe distance away from each other. This time will be staggered throughout the periods and teachers. We will work with students in a positive manner in wearing their masks. We do ask that any picture or graphic on the mask follow the dress code.
Sanitizing- Before leaving the room each student will sanitize their space in preparation for the next student coming. This will be completed with teacher approval.
Restroom breaks / Hand Washing / Water bottle fill time- Built into the class schedule will be a break for these items to happen. This does NOT MEAN if there is an emergency situation, the student can’t go. It does mean that every hour the opportunity to take care of needs will be addressed.
Passing Periods- We are going to have students move from class to class in a prescribed manner. Those traveling the farthest will be dismissed first, and so on with those that only have one room to move over to will leave last. Hallway traffic will be structured with one way sides of the hallways, a round-about at the ends of the hallways and 3 feet between students with the right foot on the purple carpet. 7th grade and 8th grade will have their own passing times. We will essentially be teaching the “Rules of the Road”. They will be excellent drivers!
Lunchroom seating- We will be serving lunches in four sessions to break up the number of students at a time in the lunchroom space. This space includes all of the commons area, the commons between the auditorium and gold gym and potentially one of the gyms. At lunch masks will be removed and secured by each student, therefore we will require 6 foot distance between students. Two students per table, or one student per desk placed 6 feet apart.
Hallway hand sanitizing stations: Being installed are hand sanitizing stations throughout the school. These are 100% accessible to all students throughout the day.
As we have worked on the operations of CMS, we know that the best made plans may have to be changed or modified. We will continue to put the safety of our students in the forefront of our planning.
More information will be forthcoming as we continue to work towards the beginning of school.
Blessings, health and safety to all of our CMS families,
Brenda Young
CMS Principal