Parent Communication
August 26th, 2020
Good day to our CMS families. This edition of our parent communication will share information about PE, vocal and instrumental music. If you have questions please contact cmsfrontdesk@usd375 or call 316-778-1470. Time is drawing near for the students to return and we are looking forward to seeing them in person or virtually.
In case you missed the live back to school virtual meeting, here is the link:
All summer long the music teachers and administration here at Circle have been closely following the information from meetings with local health officials, the Kansas High School Activities Association (KSHSAA), the National Federation of State High Schools Associations (NFHS) and music-specific research studies being done at the University of Colorado-Boulder and the guidelines produced from these studies.
We have learned a great deal about how COVID-19 spreads, how to create a safe environment at school, and the measures that we can take specifically for music to lower risk and give our students the opportunity to safely participate in music education here at school and remotely at home. These groups have published guidance based on the most current research for Kansas schools to follow.
If you are interested in reading more about the research, it is linked below:
International Performing Arts Aerosol Study
CBS news story about music and the research in public schools:
With the safety of the students, their families, and the faculty at the forefront, the Circle administration and music faculty are committed to making smart and safe decisions to allow the arts to continue in a safe and responsible manner for our students. We have and are continuing to take all the latest information, precautions, and guidelines from the sources listed above and implement them in our music classes so that schools and music programs remain open.
A ‘new normal’ taking shape in our classes to allow a safe return to music! We are so excited to make music again!
Masks are required for all students
Students will not share materials/equipment
Six-foot social distancing
30 mins of rehearsal in one location: The recommendation is to leave the room after 30 mins of rehearsal to allow the air to refresh. Depending on weather conditions, class may take place outside.
Aerosol-Containing Bell Covers for instruments to limit aerosol exposure
Puppy Pads for emptying spit valves- If you have extra at home we will gladly accept them at CMS.
Yet to be determined are concerts. We will communicate with you on how and where when that time comes.
Mrs. Hutchinson & Mr. Northerns
Physical Education at CMS:
Students will receive a locker, lockers will be spread out to accommodate space.
Limited number of students in the locker room at a time to accommodate social distancing. This will apply to athletics at the end of the day as well.
Masks are required while
Changing in the locker room and upon.
Entering the gym following changing for class.
Entering and exiting the gym at the beginning and end of class.
Students may remove their mask when exercise begins and while socially distanced,
students will hold their masks during activity, either tucked into their uniforms or attached to their lanyard tucked into their PE uniform.
Locker rooms will be disinfected regularly.
Equipment will be disinfected after use.
Backpacks and book bags will not be allowed to be left in the PE lockers overnight due to disinfecting procedures. Shoes and uniforms left in lockers will be sprayed with disinfectant at the end of the day following all activities. Students are encouraged to take all items home, but can leave them in the lockers.
KSHAA recommends showering after activity to prevent the spread of germs.
We are working diligently as a staff to continue planning for and looking ahead for the start of school. Next communication will be Wednesday, September 2nd from me. 7th and 8th grade teams are also working on their communications for next week as well. Until then- Blessings, stay safe and wash those hands!!
Brenda Young