Today starts weekly updates and information for 2020-2021 school year. This information will be posted on this page, the continuous learning page, news on the CMS website and a notification sent on Live Feed & Twitter. Updates will be posted on Monday with information and events happening on Tuesday's through the next Monday. Here we go..
As the past few days have flown by- CMS wants to recognize our amazing students!!! We really have the BEST students (Thank you parents!) We are more that ready to teach content, to establish relationships and to instill resiliency in the face of adversity. AND Thank you parents for being patient, for working with us as we are still in the process of rewriting education.
Number one question being asked ALL WEEK last week was "When do we get our chromebooks?" Your student brought a chromebook and charger home today (and the crowd goes wild!!!). This is an extremely important tool that they will use in most classes (not so much in PE ). We can use your help in making sure they have a place to charge it EVERY NIGHT! If they should bring it to school not charged, it will become an issue with completing work. I would encourage you to to work with your student on setting a timer to remind them to plug it in. They can carry their chargers with them should the battery run down during the day. A GREAT time to charge them is at lunch.
Each team will communicate with your regarding policies and procedures involving the use and misuse of chromebooks.
Another BIG question that has been asked is who to contact during the day should your student be absent, late or other questions. If your student is going to be late, absent or you need to get a message to them call the main office number at 316-778-1470. If you know ahead of time they will be absent you can email cmsfrontdesk@usd375,org OR Under normal conditions students are not allowed to use their cell phones, therefore we ask you to contact them through the office as to avoid a cell phone violation. The opposite is true as well with students contacting parents. We will allow them to call you as necessary. The main violation we have with this request is when a student does not feel well, they tend to send parents text messages or call them. You then call the office and we do not know what is going on so PLEASE encourage them to use the office to communicate with you.
This Wednesday students will begin the first Personalized Learning time. What is this??? Here is the definition taken directly from the Kansas Department of Education: Personalized learning places the whole child at the center of instruction. It is informed by strong educator/student/family/community relationships to provide equity and choice in time, place, path, pace and demonstration of learning. Here is a link to the description:
Further descriptions include “instruction tailored to each student based on the student's strengths, needs and interests.” Through this approach, teachers are to be able to understand each student's personal and academic background, strengths and needs. Throughout the first nine weeks we will be teaching your student about personalized learning. What is means to them, how to learn and apply knowledge in this setting and allow them to create a individualized plan of study (IPS) moving forward. What Wednesday's are NOT study hall time. Each section of the day has a purpose with extending what they are learning, possible intervention as needed and Social Emotional standards addressed.
We encourage you to begin asking your student about "What have you learned today?" Do not accept "Nothing" as the answer....
And now for the weekly activities taking place:
*Tuesday, Sept. 15th: Football @ Home vs Augusta, 7th 5:00, 8th 6:30.
*Wednesday, Sept. 16th: Cross Country @ Wartick's Farm 4:00 (no spectators)
*Thursday, Sept. 17th: Volleyball @ Home vs Augusta, 7A/8B 5:00, 7B/8A 6:00.
*CANCELLED- Volleyball tournament on Saturday.
*Monday, Sept. 21: CMS Site Council- More Information will be sent out this week regarding CMS Site Council.
Keep Thriving!