Parents and Guardians:
In the event that Circle would need to schedule another snow day for Tuesday, October 27th, please be aware that Circle Middle School will transfer to a remote learning day. Here are the specifics you and your student need to know:
* CMS will follow a B day schedule
* Classes will begin at 8:10 AM and will carry through the day until dismissal. Attendance will be taken for each block.
* Check your Google Classrooms for assignments and links for joining a live meet. Teachers will let you know if there will be a live meet or individual assignments to complete. If a live meet is held, please log into the meet on time for class.
* Should the internet be a barrier to this structure for your student, please have the student email the teacher(s) and they will work with them individually upon returning Wednesday.
Here is the time schedule for Tuesday's classes. Both 7th and 8th grade will follow the same times.
8:10 - 9:21 1st block
9:24 - 10:34 2nd block
10:37 -12:15 3rd block and lunch (follow 1st lunch or second lunch)
1st lunch: 10:53 - 11:21
2nd lunch: 11:26 - 11:54
12:18 - 1:28 4th block
1:31 - 2:41 5th block
2:44 - 3:12 Seminar
This remote learning structure is for 7-12th grades only. It does not apply to elementary students.
Stay safe and stay warm.