Weekly Update for November 2nd - 9th 2020

Update for Week of November 2nd  - 9th, 2020

It's the season of THANKFULNESS!!  Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your child's educational journey.  This year has been quite a bit different, but we are beyond blessed to have a supportive community surrounding us.  THANK YOU!  

We have been a tad bit busy around here- unexpected snow day, conferences and a whole slew of things.  Time to get back on track!

Thank you for participating in virtual conferences for this semester.  It was a different experience for all of us.  We sincerely appreciated the flexibility our community afforded us.   If you still need to speak with a teacher, we can help facilitate a phone call or email by sending a request to cmsfrontdesk@usd375.org with the names of the teachers you would like to communicate with, or you can reach out to them via the links found on https://www.usd375.org/  - go to the Circle Middle School page (found under schools), then click on staff.  Here you will find all teachers' email addresses.   

During conferences we found out that some of you were not aware of this amazing tool:  Our CMS Navigating Change site-  This was created last year when we went remote as a communication tool for parents and students to know what is taking place with learning in the classroom.  Here is the link (BOOKMARK IT!!)      CMS Navigating Change

Students are assigned work in Google Classroom, these assignments are then reflected on this site as a heads up- here is what is taking place and what we are learning with the classroom agendas. Then when the assignment is turned in, it will be posted on PowerSchool.  We kept this site going for this year (and many to come) to continue the communication not only with students but for parents as well.  If you as a parent want to check to make sure assignments are completed (because PowerSchool is saying not turned in) you can look at the CMS Navigating change for what and when assignments were due, then look at your students Google classroom (their view NOT parent view) and see if the assignment was turned in.  Just a note- some students have been known to turn in blank assignments… To show it was turned in… Unfortunately these can't  be graded, so the score in PS will still reflect a missing assignment or a 0. They can be sneaky…  Let us know if you have any questions about this site.  Teachers have been asked to have it updated on Sunday for the next week.    

Girls Basketball season begins today- for families that would like to watch, here are the instructions for creating an account on Facebook that will allow you to watch: . To access the account click on the following link   https://www.facebook.com/cmsactivities

Streaming will begin shortly before the event takes place. You will need a Facebook account to access the live stream. If you are a Circle patron we suggest you save this link for future use. 

Just a heads up as we adventure into the winter weather season:  Should CMS be involved in further snow day’s due to weather conditions not being conducive for school it is likely these school days will become remote learning days.  Students will be asked to check their google classrooms for instructions.  Some teachers will provide live sessions, while others will post videos.  Work will be assigned through classroom and reflected on the teachers agendas in CMS Navigating Change

We need your feedback!  It is time for our Fall Parent survey-  Here is the link for your responses. The survey will be open for a week, November 2nd - 9th.   Our CMS building goals are built from the feedback we receive along with Site Council’s input.  The survey may take about 10 - 15 minutes to complete. Thank you ahead of time for completing . Fall Parent Survey 2020   

Our activities for the week are:

  • Monday, Nov. 2nd- Wrestling practice, Girls B-ball at home. 7A/8B 5:00, 7B/8A 6:15.

  • Tuesday, Nov. 3rd- Girls B-ball practice, Wrestling @ Rose Hill 4:30. 

  • Wednesday, Nov. 4th- Personalized Learning, T-Bird Time. Practice as scheduled

  • Thursday, Nov 5th- Wrestling practice, Girls B-ball at home 7A/8B 5:00, 7B/8A 6:15

  • Friday, Nov 6th- Practices as scheduled. 

Have an amazing week!  Find someone to surprise and delight by letting them why you are thankful for them.  We will continue to #thrivein375