Weekly Update for November 9th - 16th.
As posted last week it is the season of ThAnKfUlNeSs! So here is our focus for the week- We are thankful for noise in the hallway of our school- it means there are KIDS here! We are thankful for the little messes in the classrooms- it means there are KIDS here! We know that there is a need for “normal”, but until that can happen WE are ThAnKfUl that we get to spend time teaching however best we can.
With that being said, I want to take a moment to clear up some confusion that may exist: If the mode of learning your student is participating in due to being Temporary Remote- Please follow these guidelines. Your student is still expected to join into classes (as teachers require), check in on their google classroom to find work posted, and reference the CMS Navigating Change site to follow the daily/weekly agenda. Should your student not be able to participate, we need you to call the office as you would if they were in person. We can then communicate with the teachers that they are absent for the day. As long as they are Temporary Remote and excluded from school, they are not excused from participation.
Wednesday during T-Bird time students will be participating in a number of activities. It is our Veteran’s Day celebration which will be scaled back this year. Mrs. Cross will be showing a few videos, reviewing the history of Veteran’s day and working with students on writing letters to current and former military personnel. Students will also be participating in taking Interim State Assessments. These assessments are used to help guide instruction in the classroom with current Essential Learnings.
Picture retakes will happen this Friday, November 13th. If your student was unable to have pictures taken the first round or Remote students that were not able to make it, retakes start at 8:00 am. This also includes any student that did have their picture taken but the initial picture needs to be taken again. No money needs to come to the school. When the picture previews are ready, we will resend the link.
Good News!!! After brainstorming how to not cancel one more thing- We are going to have our Breakfast Club (formerly known as Donuts with Dad or Muffins with Mom) next Friday, November 20th. We are going to experiment with drive through service. On the menu will be pre-packaged donuts, coffee and milk. Serving will take place in front of the school where the student and their adult will drive through, pick up breakfast and then park to eat. Serving will start at 7:00 AM and end at 8:00. Plan on attending.
Personalized Learning is well under way. Students have learned about the components, brainstormed ideas, begun to narrow topics, and will soon be deep into research in order to teach others about their topic of choice. Grading rubric’s have been shared with students as well as obtaining their input. Ask them what their topic is and how they are planning on sharing what they have learned with others.
Food Drive information was sent out today in preparation for next week. This year we can only accept monetary donations. All funds raised will in turn be given back to our community. Our own CMS families will benefit from our generosity. For every dollar donated, it counts for two items. Food Drive dates are November 16th through 20th. I’m pretty sure a few teachers may end up with a pie in the face…
Now for the weekly activities
*Tuesday, Nov. 10th: Wrestling competition cancelled. All practices as scheduled.
*Wednesday, Nov. 11th: All practices as scheduled. Personalized Learning and Veteran’s day celebration.
*Thursday, Nov. 12th: Girls Basketball competition cancelled. All practices as scheduled.
*Friday, Nov. 13th: Picture Retakes 8:00 AM. CMS social cancelled.
*Saturday, Nov 14th. Honor’s Music cancelled.
*Monday, Nov 16th: Girls Basketball @ home. 7A/8B 5:00, 7B/8A 6:15.
Thank you to all those that responded to our parent survey. We appreciate your input and suggestions. Responses will be shared at our next Site Council meeting.
Have a wonderful week and don’t forget to #thrivein375!