Day one of remote learning has come to an end so here is a message sent to the students from their teachers:

A Message from your Teachers:

If you haven't already guessed, we're having some issues with Google and experiencing some growing pains moving over to remote learning today.
Here are some things to keep in mind as we're working through the next few days:
*****Be persistent. If a Google Meet keeps kicking you off, log back in. If a Google Slide document won't load, refresh your page or close the tab and try to re-open the document.
*****Talk to us! Everything SEEMS fine on the teacher end--we can't tell Google isn't loading, etc. Please let us know what's happening on your end.
*****Try restarting your computer. It seems silly, but sometimes your computer just needs an attitude adjustment (or to update).
*****If programs are not loading. Clear your Cache and Cookies: CTRL H then select clearing cache.
*****Minimize your distractions. We're struggling with things not working and getting in a new routine. Being in the same room with a friend or on your phone will just make it more difficult.
*****You're attending school, just not at school. Clothing, electronic use, etc should reflect that.
When we return to in person learning, this is information you are expected to be responsible for knowing.
Thanks for hanging in there with us & remember-- YOU CAN DO THIS!