Weekly update for January 19th - 25th.
Wanted to take a moment to clarify Temporary remote learning (TR) and having a student that does not feel good. If your student does not feel good, please allow them the time necessary to feel better- it might be the best thing for them to sleep, rest, and take time to heal. They do have "sick days" they can use and teachers will work with them on missed assignments. We do need parents to call and communicate that their child is sick. What is happening with some students- they are choosing to stay home and be TR for the day. Coming back here and sharing with the teachers that they just "wanted to stay home".... 🧐 In these situations, we are not receiving phone calls from parents excusing their student from inperson learning that day. Students can not choose to go TR as that is not the purpose of TR. Administration will assign TR to students that are deemed close contacts either in school or outside of school OR for students that test positive and are required to isolate. We appreciate the efforts of the students that do not want to fall behind and are eager to stay on top of their assignments, even if they do not feel good (you can have a sick day!). 🙂
Wednesday during T-Bird time all students will be taking the KS State Interim state assessments. This is a data point that teachers will use to help gauge the overall learning at this time prior to taking the KS state assessments in the spring. We do not share this data as it only informs instruction in the classroom. Other assessments that your student has participated with is STAR and AIMS +. Once these assessments are complete, we will share the final reports with you regarding your students progress.
1st semester grade cards will be released this week and will be sent to parents via email. We are going to be in touch with the students (and parents) that had failing grades. They will be asked to attend Evening School will start on Wednesday, February 3rd, 3:15 - 5:15. Just because the semester ended does not mean the learning did. This is another opportunity for students to show understanding in the classes that they need improvement. This if for CORE classes only, math, science, social studies and english. Transportation will be provided at the end of the sessions back to the base elementary schools. At the end of second semester, summer school will be the option for further intervention.
CONGRATULATIONS to the following students that WON the league spelling bee and can claim the title of LEAGUE CHAMPIONS. Nick Williams for 8th grade and Lily Hamel for 7th grade. If you have never seen a spelling bee- it is COMPETITIVE!! Very proud of these T-Birds. Thank you Mrs. May for working with these students🤩.
Here are the activities for the week:
**Tuesday, Jan. 19th: SB at Valley Center 3:30, Boys BB at Clearwater.
**Wednesday, Jan. 20th: KS state interim assessment testing & Personalized Learning. Practices as scheduled
**Thursday, Jan. 21st: Boys BB at El Dorado, Practices as scheduled
**Friday, Jan 22nd: Practices as scheduled
**Monday, Jan. 25th: Boys BB at Circle vs. Augusta, Practices as scheduled.
Have a wonderful week! The days are getting longer with more sunshine! #thrivein375