Update for January 26th - February 1st, 2021
I am always amazed at how fast time flies! We are one month into the new year and one month into second semester. Now is a great time to have a conversation with your student regarding progress with grades and what they are learning. Reminder: Don't ask "What did you do today"- We ALL KNOW the answer to that one- Instead ask- Tell me one new fact that you learned today. Show me what math you did today, Teach me a new concept you learned today, Show me what you did in PE and let me try. Change the conversation up!! It is easy to accept the answer to What did you do... vs opening up the channels of communication. Try it! You will be glad you did.
We are starting a new adventure with offering Night School to students that earned a failing grade in a core content subject. Every Wednesday night, 3:!5 - 5:15 starting February 3rd. This is an opportunity for the students to improve their core content grades. We will have four groups, supported by staff, working with the students. Once the grade has reached a passing level, they no longer need to attend. We know this past semester has been challenging in many ways- we want to make sure essential learnings are solidified so success can happen further down the road. Should your student be in 7th grade, the Team is also offering Extra Time on Wednesday's. The current work will be completed first, then the student can attend Night School.
February 10th- We have conferences scheduled in the evening- As last semester, these conferences are by invitation. Teams will be communicating with the parents / students that they deem need a conference at this time. Our other conferences are scheduled in March and will be conducted virtually with students taking the lead.
Here's what is happening this week:
*Tuesday, Jan. 26th- Scholars Bowl at home, all other practices as scheduled.
*Wednesday, Jan. 27th- Scholars Bowl Wellington, all other practices as scheduled.
*Thursday, Jan. 28th- Boys BBall Home: 7A/8B 5:00, 7B/8A 6:15. Cheer at home. All other practices as scheduled.
*Friday, Jan. 29th- All practices as scheduled.
*Monday, Feb. 1st- Boys BBall at Ark City, 7A/8B 5:00, 7B/8A 6:15. Cheer away at Ark City. All other practices as scheduled.
Remember this website has all the information you need for what is happening in the classrooms. Bookmark this if you haven't already!
Have an amazing week! It's Kansas weather- stay warm!