CMS Weekly Update February 23rd - March 1st.

Weekly update for February 23 - March 1, 2021

Another busy week is ahead of us!

This Thursday and Friday 8th grade students will tentatively enroll in their CHS classes. Mrs. Marshall (Freshman Counselor) will be with the students during their science classes. Here is a link to the current CHS curriculum guide that has all kinds of interesting classes for students to take. I encourage each student to look through this guide not only for elective choices but also for creating a four year plan. Parents, I would also encourage you to know what CHS has to offer as well. There are so many programs that are afforded to our students.

7th grade will enroll in 8th grade classes following spring break. We have added an elective choice to our classes for next year called Medical Detectives. I think I will sit in this class and become a student again!

As we are approaching State Assessment time (whoooo wheeee!) and the testing dates are set, we are kindly asking for students to be present during these dates. Please avoid scheduling doctor appointments as much as possible. Currently 8th grade ELA is testing on April 13th and 16th. 8th grade math will test on April 26th and 27th. When more dates are added in, we will update.

HOPEFULLY all the BAD WEATHER is behind us... although I do have a picture of my girls all dressed up for Easter with SNOW in the background... BUT Thank you for helping us get through this terrible cold snap with remote learning. At this time we do not have any makeup days that will need to be scheduled.

Here are the activities for this week.
*Tuesday, Feb. 23 - Practices as scheduled. Site Council moved to March 23rd.
*Wednesday, Feb. 24- Boys BB at Home vs. Wellington. 7A/8B 5:00, 7B/8A 6:15. Night School 3:15 - 5:15.
*Thursday, Feb. 25- 8th grade enrollment during Science, Practices as scheduled.
*Friday, Feb 26- 8th grade enrollment during Science, Practices as scheduled. End of 3rd 9 weeks.
*Saturday, Feb 27- League Basketball- at Circle. No spectators.
*Monday, March 1st- NO SCHOOL Inservice, League Basketball at Circle - 2 spectators per player.

Have a wonderful week. Enjoy the longer days and hopefully more sunshine.