CMS Weekly update

Update for March 2nd - March 10th

We reached MARCH!!! YEAHHHHH!! Spring is always an exciting time in Middle School- Sunshine is longer, the air is fresher, and the students are coming out of hibernation! With this- please take a moment to check in on your students spring attire. I promise you they have grown.

Our next round of conferences are fast approaching. The dates for conferences are March 8-10th, 2021. These will be virtual and we are excited to have the students involved with this set of conferences in a meaningful way. With our spring conferences the students will guide the conversation, talk about their strengths, discuss where they know they need to make adjustments and share samples of work that they have completed. We realize that for some parents, this is not the type of conference that you are used to. It took us some time to embrace this structure as well. We as educators are very comfortable with talking about the student with parents without the student having input, it's been this way for a very long time. Here is the best thing about Student Led Conferences- They know! Students already know! They will tell you where they need to improve and where they excel. They will share with you goals and how they are going to achieve them. Conferences are about the students. Please do not discount the amount of work your student has put into preparing to share with you by not attending. There are a variety of days and times that will be available to sign up with your students Advisor. The main item to know is that your student will need to be available at the time you sign up for. Please work with your student to select the best time for the conference. Attached is a link to an article that dives into the benefit of student led conferences for everyone involved. You will soon receive an email from the Advisor for signing up. If you do not receive a link by Tuesday, March 2nd, please email
Benefits of Student Led Conferences

I was a week ahead of myself with 8th grade enrollment. This week your 8th grade student will receive information about choosing classes. The options available to students is outstanding and can be a bit overwhelming. You will be contacted by a CHS teacher to help with the process after spring break and be able to answer your questions as a parent. Here is the curriculum guide for CHS:

7th to 8th grade enrollment will be scheduled following spring break with more information shared on classes to chose from.

Track Season will begin on March 8th. The first few practices will be held at CMS. Following Spring Break, March 22nd, all practices will be moved to CHS and students will be transported from CMS. Shuttles will still run for transporting students after practice ends to their base elementary locations for Greenwich and Oil Hill. Benton students will be dropped off at CMS and Towanda students will be picked up at CHS.

Night School will not be held this week as there are no further activities scheduled until March 8th. Next Night School will be March 10th.

We wish you warm weather, sunshine and the excitement that spring brings with it. Next update will be after Spring Break.