Final information for 20-21 school year
Yes, that time has arrived! Very soon 8th grade with be Freshman on their way to their future and 7th will be 8th! What a year we have had. Here is the information for both grade levels detailing the end of the year activities:
7th grade:
* May 24th- Normal school day. Beauty and the Beast Musical at CMS. Each participant can have 4 spectators. The musical will be live streamed on our CMS Activities Facebook page. A link will be shared on Monday.
* May 25th- Chromebook & Charger turn in during ELA.
* May 26th- Activities in the AM. Remind your 7th grader to bring a water bottle. Meet 8th grade teachers in the PM
* May 27th- Final Flex day- released at 1:00. We will not have an in-person academic awards assembly for 7th grade. All certificates of achievement will be sent home with the students.
8th grade:
* May 21st- Chromebook & Charger check in during Advisory.
* May 24th- Ice Skating AM, Talent Show PM, Handprints on the wall throughout the day. 4.0 GPA will have two handprints, 3.125 - 3.99 one handprint. Beauty and the Beast Musical at CMS. Each participant can have 4 spectators. The musical will be live streamed on our CMS Activities Facebook page. A link will be shared on Monday.
* May 25th- Promotion practice AM. 1st promotion assembly A - J 12:15 in the auditorium. 2nd promotion assembly K - Z 1:30 in the auditorium. Four spectators per participant. At the end of each promotion assembly students are welcome to leave with their parents. Students that remain at CMS will be dismissed as normal.
Parents / Guardians that are planning on attending promotion, please park towards the back (south part) of the parking lot, and enter through the south doors or the bus hallway doors. If you need handicapped parking, please park in the front of the school and enter through the main entrance. You are welcome to see the handprints in the bus hall walls and take pictures at the end of promotion. Masks are optional at this time. Both promotions will be live streamed to our CMS activities Facebook accounts. A link will be provided on Tuesday morning.
Thank you for your support this year. We are looking forward to 21-22.