September 1, 2021
CMS Athletic Director Update
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The fall sports season is well underway at Circle Middle School. Competitions are just a few days away. We are all excited for the kids and coaches and wish them all a safe and enjoyable season.
As many of you know, the Wellington USD 353 district has been deemed a cluster by their local health department. They will NOT be in school and all activities have been suspended through September 7th. Here is what I know:
September 2nd: 8th grade football and cheer will travel to Garden Plain for a 7:30 pm game. The kids will stay at CMS until the buses depart at 5:30 pm.
700 Section Line Rd
Garden Plain, KS
No practice for 7th grade football on Thursday, September 2nd.
There will be NO FOOTBALL practice on Friday for either team.
September 7th, 2021: Both 7th and 8th VB will play Haysville Middle School at CMS starting at 5:00. This replaces both September 7th and September 9th scheduled games.
Cross Country will not be affected by this.
We will continue to communicate any changes or issues as they arise. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
It’s a Great Day to be a T-Bird!
Nathan Sherwood