If you have a student who is wanting to try out for girls basketball please see the below information regarding practice times for next week October 18, 19, 20, 21. If you have any further questions please call the office 316-778-1470
October 15, 2021
Parents/Guardians of Girls Basketball,
Girls basketball tryouts start on Monday, October 18th. Circle Middle School parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for the same week. This poses a challenge for our teachers who coach and the utilization of the gymnasiums for conferences. We will dismiss the girls trying out for basketball at the beginning of Advisory/Seminar to start tryouts on Wednesday, October 20th. This will allow us to work around the conference times while offering our coaches enough time to evaluate the girls.
The following schedule meets both needs during this busy week.
Monday, October 18th
No conferences
3:12-5:15 PM Tryouts
Shuttle buses will depart at 5:30 PM for COE, CGE, and CTE Primary
Tuesday, October 19th
No conferences
3:12-5:15 PM Tryouts
Shuttle buses will depart at 5:30 PM for COE, CGE, and CTE Primary
There will NOT be parent/teacher conferences on 10/19
Wednesday, October 20th
No Team/T-Bird Time. We would run a normal A/B schedule
2:12-4:00 PM (Conferences start at 4:30 PM)
Shuttle buses will depart at 4:15.
Thursday, October 21st
3:30-5:15 PM- Coaches will determine if this is needed.
No transportation provided
Nathan Sherwood